Youth Center North America

YCNA of the Focolare Movement creates and plans opportunities for young people to come together and build community through activities and programs that help develop the whole person. YCNA helps young adults grow in both human and spiritual dimensions.
Its mission is to inspire and mobilize young people from all backgrounds to live for a more united world.
YCNA’s core value is respect for each person as expressed in the Golden Rule“Do to others what you want them to do unto you; don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do unto you”.

VISION – A united world where fraternity is lived among all people.

YCNA is motivated by the life of Blessed Chiara Luce Badano to live out its mission on the example of a young girl who chose to love God and those around her.

The Impact

“It was a very fulfilling, educational, and unforgettable experience!! And the unity between each and every one of those who attended the event was indescribably amazing. I’m excited for the next one.”

“You are truly a blessing from God, and I thank Him for using you to bring encouragement, strength, and love to others, including me. Your kindness and faith shine brightly, reminding me of God’s immense care
for all of us.”

“…I hope to one day have the opportunity to pay it forward and make a difference in someone else’s life.”


United World Project

Community Service

Men’s Retreat


Prayerful Reflection


Care for Creation


Let’s come together and build a more united world.