A Gen 2 is a young adult who lives the ideal of the Work of Mary in such a way that they seem to personify it.
The Gen are “intern members” of the movement and take on all the commitments which are indicated in their guidelines. They are convinced that the commitments which they live as Gen, personally and together, represent a premise which – if applied on a wider scale – could contribute towards the renewal of the whole of society, so that it might be more and more ordered by love.
The Gen belong to different cultures and social-economic backgrounds.
The Gen
• commit themselves to continually share what they have: material goods, spiritual goods and their talents. This is the communion of goods, inspired by that of the first Christian community.
• work well and improve professionally by developing their own talents. The gen who study apply themselves to study with the same spirit, because they consider their study as their work of today in preparation for that of tomorrow.
• manage their money well when it comes to spending, saving and investing.
The Gen
• are committed to keeping Jesus in the midst, to having Jesus in their midst always, to giving a witness to the world.
• give witness with their lives and also by speaking about the Gen lifestyle to others. They bring other young people together to collaborate in building a united world. They become familiar with various situations around the world and pray for those who are suffering and look for ways to help others.
The Gen
• consecrate (dedicate) their life to Jesus forsaken, understanding that this is Christianity. A Gen “marries” Jesus forsaken. They never betray him, they never put other loves before him.
• try to go deep into their union with Jesus by going to Mass and receiving Communion as often as possible. They live the Word of Life and other texts of the spirituality. They are very attentive to being in unity with the Church.
• participate in the “moment of truth” where each one helps the others grow in holiness.
• continue a program of growth in the Gen life.
The Gen
• look after their personal health through personal hygiene, sport, games, relaxation, a balanced diet, etc.
• respect the human body knowing it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. They live purity by enduring many temptations and overcoming them.
• appreciate the Gen who are sick, or who are dying. He/she takes care of them and stays close to them, always because of that concept of the martyrs who were the ones closest to Jesus and because of Jesus forsaken, because they see his face in those who are sick. They understand the truth of that sentence we sometimes repeat: “They are the ones God loves the most” sharing the sufferings of others.
• love nature, which is created by God. They commit themselves to safeguarding it and to making known and respected the laws which maintain its balance.
The Gen
• use music (musical groups) to help people to discover God as beauty, not only as truth or goodness, but also as beauty.
• want to express harmony in the way they dress and bring it into the environment where they live, work, study and hold their meetings.
The Gen
• commit themselves to increase their knowledge of the richness of faith and the teachings of the Church.
• try to have a greater understanding of things by studying which complements wisdom: medicine, others architecture, engineering, philosophy, theology (leading to be qualified to examine the doctrine of the Focolare which should renew theology and should also help the whole world to have a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God and of Christianity).
The Gen
• communicate with the others as much as possible using all the communications media.