Anne Godbout is the executive director and founder of Spiritours. She has traveled around the globe a few times and has visited all the continents. Since 1992, she has been organizing group trips professionally and has been leading them regularly in different countries. She founded Spiritours in 2003. She studied administration and theology at Laval University in Quebec. She speaks French, English and Spanish fluently. She is a member of the Focolare movement and of Religions for Peace Canada.

Playa Pharmacy
Joe and May Chehade started Playa Pharmacy 10 years ago in a beach community in Los Angeles. This Economy of Communion business began because they identified the need to make healthcare more personable. Besides offering traditional pharmaceutical services,
Playa Pharmacy specializes in herbal & natural remedies and compounding (personalized medicine that provides solutions not offered by commercially-sold medicines and products).

The staff strive to live the golden rule (do unto to others as you would have them do unto you), or as their company’s motto says, “Come see for yourself, you will be treated like family.” Playa Pharmacy has been recognized in local newspapers as “Best Pharmacy” for many years.

Terra Vitae Farms
Kevin and Katie Kelley are co-founders of Terra Vitae Farms along with Colleen and Michael Biver, their daughter and son-in-law. Terra Vitae Farms is located in Woodstock, IL and is and Economy of Communion business that focuses on growing the cleanest food conceivably possible by using regenerative farming techniques to grow and manage their livestock. The farming enterprise is three years old and produces pork, beef, lamb, goat and chicken for direct sale to consumers and farm-to-table restaurants. 

Netpro Communications Inc (Paul Catipon, President and CEO)
Netpro is a security system integration company based in NY, providing CCTV surveillance, intrusion detection, and network security solutions to the major transportation companies such as the NY city subway, Metro North and Long Island Railroad, and Amtrak.

Project Lia is a nonprofit organization and social enterprise working to address the many socioeconomic barriers to successful reentry through an innovative and collaborative work environment. We repurpose discarded material into beautiful, one-of-a-kind home furnishings and accessories while providing workforce development training to successfully transition women-in-reentry into the labor market.

“Tlali” Project
Since the earthquake in Mexico City in 2017, a university in Mexicali, CETYS Universidad, collected items and sent aid to the people that were severely affected by the earthquake in a southern native Indian tribe called “Ikoots”. Since then, CETYS and this Indian community have established a good relationship. CETYS donated land and built a place as a recreational and working center for the Ikoots.

In October 2018, a student from CETYS had an idea and formed a team with other students to work on a project with the IKOOTS to develop an online business where these people can sell arts and crafts that they make. The goal is to make these people´s economy which is based on agriculture and fishing grow by allowing them sell everything they create on online. Through this endeavor, young people from the Ikoots community will be able to go out to study and bring more money for these people and throughout time, their life quality will grow.