Most peaceful version of myself

For me, it is becoming increasingly more important to become the healthiest, most peaceful, happy and inspirational version of myself. I had to learn the hard way. My blood pressure was high, my skin showed signs of distress and I often felt tired and incapable of focusing during conversations or in class. I visited a trusted doctor during this time who advised me to change my lifestyle if I didn’t want to end up taking blood pressure medication for the rest of my life.

I have spent a lot time learning how to optimize my lifestyle in all areas of life. I believe it is important to watch one’s nutrition, physical activity, rest, the relationships with people in one’s life, faith and hobbies or activities that one loves to engage in.

One of the most rewarding feelings I have experienced is passing on these values of respecting one’s God given bodies in all aspects and to make sure we improve it at all times. I am currently a medical student living in Europe, and even though many of my friends, fellow students and even family members tend to take the easy ways, instead of taking on the hardships of attempting to live a healthier, more active, faithful and thus more rewarding life- I hold on to these values at all times. They define me and help me feel accomplished. I increasingly feel better about myself. I feel happier, more at peace and I feel more worthy in this world.

I have realized that the more I respect my body, mind and soul and learn about the things it needs to flourish and become a healthy and loving entity, the more elevated I feel, the happier and more clear minded I am to tackle bigger and more rewarding challenges and the more people feel inspired to follow this path. I see many of my fellow students, wanting to become great doctors and leaders- living a life that offers much room for improvement. I have lived through this and know that it’s hard to come out of one’s comfort zone. Some of the people who I am very close to have taken on the challenge to become healthier and are grateful for the wake-up call, just like me. They changed their habits and being health conscious is now an important part of their life- they continually improve and become inspirations to others, willing to better their quality of life. It is important to start now. Many people wait to be diagnosed with serious conditions before changing any habits. But now is the time- the sooner the better, and it is never too late.

I hope to become an inspiration for many people in all conceivable aspects. I hope to show them the beauty of a healthy mind and soul, and the reward of holding on to these values because they will resonate throughout a long, healthy and beautiful life, if one allows it to.

~ Chris Menner, 2020