Leadership workshop – “Adjusting the Sails”

A training program for young adults which allows participants to explore leadership values & styles, communication skills, goal setting techniques, personal strengths & growth, career prep, college success, and ethical aspects. Presentations, group sessions, and hands-on activities in selected fields allow for a rich experience in leadership.

Activity tracks bring concepts to life and show how building relationships and sound problem solving become practical ways to implement leadership principles into the circumstances and realities of everyday life.

Credits | Cohorts

2023 presenters

Jim Funk
Characteristics of Leadership
Kelli Reagan Hickey
The 5 C’s of Leadership
Anthony La Grassa
Keys to Success: Purpose, Potential, Presence
Nick Moffa
Ethical Aspects in Leadership
Mike Morse
Growth Over Time
Kate O’Brien
Effective Communication
Sasha Ongtengco
Personal Strengths
Amy Uelman
Ethical Aspects in Leadership

Joe Vasquez
The Art of Persevering

Max Gude
Music: Inspiring Creativity and Innovation


Who should attend?
Young adults ages 18 to 30 who are interested in learning leadership skills with a hands-on experience in one of the above tracks.

What to expect

  • Discover various leadership styles & their characteristics
  • Learn a strategy for growth over time including goal setting, creating mental space, identifying priorities and becoming life-long learners
  • Gain communication skills, methods to increase positivity, and techniques on handling challenging situations
  • Focus on a greater understanding of personal strengths as well as practical methods of navigating into the workforce
  • Learn to make decisions and manage how to carry them out
  • Gain continued support, development, and shared learning opportunities
  • Certificate of completion

We asked some people “What does leadership mean to you?” Video

Inspired by the quote “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails” by John C. Maxwell, the workshop offers key elements from Maxwell Leadership and explores how to make adjustments given life’s circumstances.

Feedback from participants
“Enjoyed learning different leadership styles and how our values and virtues can interlap with our leadership in the real world.”
“I really enjoyed it because it introduced me to different ways of seeing leadership.”
“Communication presentation was my favorite presentation of the day. I liked the activities and the topic. Very helpful for today’s society.”
“Good key notes on making choices and your ambitions based on what you want to do in life.”
“I liked his tips on success and his advice on how he got to where he wanted to in life and not listened to others in what he should do just because it paid well.”
“Loved the strengths-based leadership especially the importance of a well-rounded team and not just a well-rounded leader.”
“You really get to see the ethical boundaries and how they can be pushed and if they are, what consequences come with it.”
“The Art of Persevering was the best presentation ever! Very motivating!”

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